01 July 2009

Day 19: Yellowstone to Cody to Worland

44 miles

So Mom rode our first and our last day with us, and today was an easy and mostly stress-free last day. We rode from our campground about 4 miles outside of Yellowstone to Cody, Wyoming. It was smooth-ish roads, a wide shoulder, favorable breezes and a lot of downhill. It felt like all downhill to Dad and me but Mom informed us that there were a couple of hills. It was a great ride with beautiful scenery, although we didn't have our usual luck with animals. Guess we used up our quota yesterday with the numerous bison and lone elk, because all we saw today was an eagle.

I hadn't realized just how much of a routine Dad and I established over the last couple weeks until we added Mom to the mix. I just get his body language and signals, he doesn't have to say anything for me to understand what's going on. The same can't necessarily be said for Mom. For example, we saw this share the road sign and decided to stop for a photo. We had ridden past it, and when we decided to take a picture Dad and I kept going, planning to turn around when there was a break in the traffic while Mom stops dead in her tracks. Being behind her this was a bit of an issue for me. I very nearly hit her and just squeaked by between her and guardrail. You don't just stop and turn around on busy roads, you don't want to spook the drivers. There was one really dicey area where we had to go through a series of tunnels and our shoulder just completely disappeared. It was kind of freaky, I'd never ridden through a tunnel before. We stopped first to wait for a break in cars and turn on our flashers. I was riding on the far right so they could see mine while Dad was in the center of the lane preventing cars from passing, which would not have turned out good. Luckily it was downhill, so we were moving pretty fast, but Mom, who has no flasher and was sandwiched between us, wanted to see around me and went into the center of the lane. I had to start yelling at her to get over, she can't block Dad, but she just doesn't instinctively know these things yet. Dad's decided he wants to take the northern route cross country later with Mom, but she'll have to learn biker etiquette first. She's got the legs, she just needs the street smarts.
Overall it was a great last day. It was fun having Mom so she could see a little of what we've experienced the last couple weeks. She brought her bike all the way from Oregon, she had to use it, right? Tomorrow we part ways with Jim and the dogs :( and head home. Not exactly sure what the route will look like yet.

Oh, if any one's wondering, we came to Worland 1. So that Dad could visit his Uncle Clayton's grave (he died about 1 year ago) and 2. So that Dad could get this salsa they make here in Wyoming that he is apparently quite addicted to. He'd been exchanging emails with the salsa maker and everything. Our original plan was to ride all the way to Worland, but that would have required an extra day or two and we need to get home to our dogs before the 4th. Besides, we rode six days in a row and need a rest day.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link for additional pics of the ride!
